Saturday, October 15, 2011

Make me your radio, turn me up when you feel low

Treasure Island

Redington Shores


St. Petersburg
I have found my life in Florida to be a bit ridiculous. In almost every way.  Lets start with my job, I work as a consultant collecting data on the beaches. Note to you all, if ever you want to feel like a person in power, just walk down the beach with a polo shirt and a clip board.  People will assume you are an expert at anything beach/ ocean/ wildlife related. Last week alone I was asked if I knew what type of crabs were scuttling around, if the jellyfish being washed ashore were poisonous, how many sea turtles I had counted that day and if I had any information on the surveying project down the road.  Seriously folks, what makes you think I know these things? Oh right, the polo shirt and clip board, I see how you might mistake me for an all-knowing public servant.

Also, running here is a bit tricky.  Most of the day it gets too hot for my sister and I to run so we have two options 1. suck it up in the heat and hit the "trails" aka crushed shell path running through palm trees where we have spotted many daunting spider/ crab hybrids and once even a bobcat 2. wait until dark and risk the potential wildlife encounter or rouge senior citizen driving past their bedtime in our neighborhood.  Either is pretty dangerous, especially after Em and I swore we saw a Florida panther a few miles from home.

I am currently in the crazy process of studying for/ applying to grad programs while working crazy hours.  My favorite place to get the most done is the local coffee shop run by only the most adorable English family.  Greeted as Miss Brewer and getting the extra coffee at the end of the day paired with seriously the most amazing cafe food (I recommend the turkey, brie, apple sammie on french bread) is why I keep driving the 15 miles to get there.

While doing all of these things I have also volunteered to help my sister at on of her million odd jobs, wine tasting at grocery stores. Seriously, the people you come across in this job you could not make up in the most hilarious of sitcoms.  Last week we were stationed at a liquor store where everyone working was simultaneously heckling each other and sampling the booze that they were selling while helping a near constant stream of customers.  I had no idea a place could be so happening on a wednesday afternoon in retirement world.


  1. o please tell me that you pretended that you know the answers to the "wildlife" questions people are asking you. (could have so much fun)

  2. So good to know that life is so good. I love you.

  3. So I just read this again and it really made me miss living in Florida with you!!! We did have a very random, hodgepodgy life and I miss it and you!!!
