Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Not your average yoga
I have considered trying out yoga in the States, but usually a packed schedule prevented me from starting. I am glad my first experience with it has been in a different country, there is something so pure about closing your eyes and finding your balance and then opening your eyes to see an African landscape bathed in the evening light. So beautiful. It’s has also been such a reflective time for me, calming after busy days. Most of the time I feel I have just been running around with my eyes opened so wide, trying to take everything in. Peaceful evenings stretching and breathing really allow me to appreciate what I’m doing, what I’m here for, and all the things I am learning.
Not going to lie, I thought that yoga was going to be something I would pick up pretty easily. NOT TRUE. The thing about yoga is that there is always a more difficult pose, a way to twist your body to make the stretch deeper or the balance harder to control. I love it though, what a great thing to be able to start from the beginning and see your progress.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Mmm delicious deals
Ok so when you are in a foreign country it is easy to think that you are playing with monopoly money when you shell out weird bills to pay for food and entertainment, so I have been pretty careful about what I have been spending. In one of the connect newsletters we found probably the best deal I have ever found for food, and being a poor intern working for nothing and trying not to spend my monopoly money too quickly I jumped at it. Three of the interns that arrived at the same time as I did in Cape Town and I jumped a cab down to the VA Waterfront to take advantage of a special at a place called Ferrymans. Get ready for it, pints for R5.50 and fish and chips for R9.50. For those of us that are not used to conversion, that’s about 70 cents for a beer (real beer, nothing like natty light so don’t try and explain away the great deal) and about $1.30 for food! Apparently the restaurant decided to do throwback prices for their 21st anniversary so from the 1st to the 21st of September us poor interns can feed ourselves for about $2 from the hours of 3 to 7pm. Definitely worth the chilly temps for some deliciously cheap food! Posting this makes me realize I have been getting pretty excited over food lately… or maybe it was always like this but it was never documented… hmm.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The African Experience
So one of my favorite experiences so far in Cape Town has been eating dinner at The African CafĂ©. As soon as you enter the building you are surrounded by so many colors and lights, you know you are in for something spectacular. It’s a set menu restaurant that allows you to sample traditional dishes from all over Africa. This is great for me, because all I had to choose was my drink! Mmm Moroccan mint: imagine lime juice with crushed mint leaves creating almost a foam on top. It tasted just like chewing on a fresh mint leaf. The meal started with hand washing from a basin because traditionally in many African cultures you eat with your hands. Once I was told this I pretty much chucked my silverware under the table. Seriously, you give me the option to eat ridiculously in public I am totally going to take it. Only about 3 others in my group followed suit however, I guess they were intimidated by trying to eat salad with their fingers. Of the 15 courses (yeah, I know right?!) The ones that stood out were:
Mozambican organic sprout salad: Fresh salad with avocados, walnuts, feta and so much else I really don’t remember
Channa fish: Seems to be a staple around this area, with chickpea batter
Tanzanian mchicha wa nazi: Picture warm spinach
Portia’s Broccoli and Nut salad: Really fresh with a lemon honey dressing
Zimbabwean sweet corn and sweet potato mash: Pretty self-explanatory
Traditional vetkoek: The most amazing fried bread balls
During the meal, which was served tapas style 1-3 courses at a time, the girls were also offered face painting. It was so great; the women painted so beautifully and seemed to give each of us a design that matched our personality. Before the last course there was also lots of dancing and singing by the waiters, so amazing! The great part about this restaurant is that once all the courses (except dessert) had been served, you can request to have more helpings of anything on the menu. Paradise! The last course was a fudgy brownie with the most delicious and flavorful vanilla ice cream I have ever tasted. If you thought I would punk out at this point and get a spoon, you think incorrectly. Oh yes, it takes much more skill to eat brownies a la mode with your bare hands. All in all, another great bonding experience with some of the connect interns as we all acquired huge food babies.