Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Having experienced internships before coming to S. Africa I thought I had a fairly good understanding of what would be expected of me work wise, and the kinds of tasks I would be doing. Starting out I really liked how organized my small little NGO was, and I fell very easily into my role as intern for the HIV & Me project.

However, about a week after starting the guy that runs the whole NGO (Regency Networx) announced that his secretary would be filling a different role in the company so he was wondering if I would like to step up for a few weeks and fill the void until a replacement could be hired. This was an interesting change, but of course I accepted. Any type of experience here is one that I want to embrace and besides I was interested in learning more about the type of environmental work his side of the business deals with. So for the last two weeks I have been working alongside my boss scheduling meetings and sending intro letters to companies that might be interested in our sustainable business programs. We work alongside the United Nations to help business achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and the companies I email are based all over the world! It is sooo mind boggling to try and schedule phone meetings with people in so many different time zones. Googling "what time is it in ____ right now" has become my best friend.

Well today I go to work and was confronted with yet another curve ball. The coworker that has been helping me learn the job I have been doing for the past 2 weeks is leaving our NGO in a month, and my boss offered me his research position! Like, this is a legit official position at the NGO that normal people have to apply for. I don't know of another opportunity were I would be able to say that in one internship I actually was able to experience 3 separate jobs, working in my career field of interest. From what I understand, I will start job shadowing him next week and as I do I will be training my replacement.

So even if right now I'm not where I expected to be, I have learned that the unexpected can be as good or better than what I had planned on. The main point is that I am still working with this NGO to help accomplish the MDGs, something that I am very passionate about, regardless of if it is HIV/ AIDS or sustainable businesses. Did I mention that my boss has brought 4 chocolate cakes in the office since I started here? I think I could get used to this.

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