Monday, February 7, 2011

I've found hope and it gives me rest, I've found hope in a beating chest

Another week in Cape Town, more experiences to reflect upon. One huge load off my mind was catching the bus into town to pick up my passport and confirm that my visa is being processed! Thank goodness, I will not be living illegally here :) Another bonus, I could finally get a library card. Apparently knowing your id number is not enough, you need your actual passport and references from people living here (I swear to you Hout Bay Library, even though you tempt me with all of your out of date science books and plethora of thriller novels, I will fight the urge to steal from your book collection).

This weekend I also had a freaking amazing run. Sounds insignificant, but after a brutal week trying to recover from the trail run without a day off and simultaneously upping my mileage, a long run seemed rather unideal. However, Sunday morning I just had the urge to get it over with so in the heat of the day I headed out for Suikerbossie pass and Chapman's peak drive. Who knew this was exactly what my body wanted. I was flying by the end and having an ice cold ocean to jump into felt exactly right. Mmmm... just had to watch out for the crabs and sharks :)

Work is going well here too. Falling into a much needed rhythm after the hectic chaos of moving my life across the globe again and worrying about trivial things like visas, sleep and food procurement. I really enjoy finding a company that is legitimately working to help the world. A lot of my job is weeding around corporate responsibility reports trying to see the good among all of the required words detailing that the company was doing exactly the minimum to look good to investors. Today I was able to brief my boss on a company that was one of the good guys, and it reminded me of what can be accomplished with genuine effort.

One more bonus, my flat is starting to feel a lot more like home. I was given the curtains from the office today because the boss ordered some nice new blinds to replace them, yay! Upgrading to a much bigger refrigerator due to the prospects of having a flatmate soon makes a difference too (runner metabolism catching back up to me again). Starting to paint again and hanging things on the walls make it feel that much more comfortable in my new space. I think I am going to go read one of my 3 alloted books for the next two weeks now, thanks library :)


  1. I am happy for you Sarah. I miss you, but knowing you are feeling more at home and settled makes me feel good for you.
    Love you,

  2. love all of this, and love you :D
