Tuesday, May 31, 2011

As sure as night is dark and day is light I keep you on my mind both day and night

So apparently this weekend I had an incredible urge to seek out my old yoga studio in Cape Town. This is a very strange feeling due to the fact that yoga hasn't really crossed my mind in the past few months, but with winter rain, chillier temps, and less sunlight to work with my mind has apparently started to wander to alternatives to staying active (not to mention office work can really do a number on your back and neck, the poor spine really needed some tlc). Now that I have wheels :) I woke up early (I swear, I can wake up at the crack of dawn for running/ yoga/ you name it, but 9am always comes too quickly for work) and made the trip into town solo. I feel so cool, driving along. It is quite like a game, shifting your perception to the wrong side of the road, wrong side of the car, shifting with the wrong hand. But I have been surprised with how well your brain adapts to things like this. Oh the mystery that is the mind.

Anyway, got to yoga in once piece and on-time. Was a bit hesitant when I saw that my previous instructor was actually taking the class with me (I was then trying to wrack my brains to remember if there was a skill level or difficulty associated with this particular Saturday class, seeing as this whole idea was slightly last minute per my life lately) but everything turned out ok. Was a bit on the inexperienced side of things for this class (being a bit out of practice didn't help my cause) but the wonderful thing about yoga is that there is always a more difficult pose, so no one is ever really at the top. People are falling over doing balances and muscles are twitching, its a strug fest for everyone regardless of the level. After an an hour and a half, my body was so pleasantly stretched/ worked/ relaxed I had a bite to eat then decided to take a little walk around the waterfront and visit my favorite shop Cape Union Mart to ogle the lovely outdoors stuff. I think I could live in that place.

Was pumped to be going to the movies this weekend as well. I realized that the last movie I saw in theaters was Spud, which was in Durban last November. While waiting for a friend to get off work, I wandered back to the neighborhood I used to work in (Gardens) to the best little coffee shop/bar/ hookah lounge. Reading a book by candlelight, sipping on some coffee as you listen to Johnny Cash records, can't get much better. I loved being back in The City too. Everything feels so familiar, like I'm back living in Perspectives, working on Hope street and running down to the reservoir everyday. Good times. Crazy to think thats where it all began, couldn't have imagined back then that I would still be here now. Speaking of movies, I also just re-watched Blood Diamond this week and nearly had a heart attack when they showed Cape Town! I hadn't watched the movie since I came to Africa and couldn't even remember that parts of it took place here. Soooo trippy, especially because the last bit was shot at the waterfront, just where I had spent the afternoon!

Has really been good to reconnect with people back home recently as well. Now that school is finishing up I can see people de-stressing and getting into the summer mode. Really great to hear from everyone, and making me excited to make plans for when I return home. Will be sad to say goodbye to this place I love so much, but I will be back. Besides, I have to come back to run the Comrades right? :) 90ks huh... better give me a bit to prepare

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