Monday, February 14, 2011

If you cut me I suppose I would bleed the colors of the evening stars

I love my crazy life. Haha ok let me back up. Last week my boss made an appointment to have his feng shui design expert to come to the office, give us individual consultations, and map out where desks should be places/ how we should face depending on the proper flow of our energy. The perks of having a hippie boss :) Because we moved offices from CPT city center to Hout Bay it was essential to make sure that we were working in a good environment. I have heard about feng shui but it was very fascinating seeing the process first hand and getting an insight on my own life. Therefore, I have learned that I am a Earth Dragon sign (wicked cool) and my kua number is 3 thunder (again, sweet to be associated with the awesomeness of thunder). It was interesting to note how different my profile was from my coworkers. According to my chart, I should be living in a forest/ country area, my time of day is dawn, and I should surround myself with materials like plants/ wood/ bamboo/ and rust? Haha. Sounds about right.

During my one-on-one discussion I also learned it is imperative for me to express my creativity and unique abilities this year (as well as have my desk facing north). Its time for me to soak up knowledge, experience, and skills to use for the coming years. Its crazy how much this reading spoke to what I had been feeling lately, especially in relation to the emotions associated with my profile and phase of life (which is childhood and infancy fyi). I have really been feeling like this next year is a time given to me to experience life to the fullest, and it seems no coincidence that life has led me to South Africa during a time of learning. This is an exciting time for me coinciding with the color green (yesssss) and uplifting, refreshing, alive and creative qualities. The majority of the people I work with tend to be into the red or yellow phases, associating with fire and earth instead of my tree element. So crazy! Anyhow, all of this resulted in a huge furniture rearranging session on Saturday (after a coffee date a coworker and I noticed the boss downstairs and decided to help). Could already feel a difference this morning! Love the new layout of the office, and everyone seems to be working with a much clearer head.

For those that don't get so excited over ancient chinese systems of aesthetics, I also had a cooking breakthrough as well. Branching out to a new recipe provided by my lovely sister, my post long run feast became chicken tuscany. Essentially, its roasted peppers stuffed with chicken wrapped around spinach and mozzarella cheese. De-lish. Only problem is that the grocery store here didn't have big enough red peppers to fit the chicken bundle in, so I had to buy the assorted color pack... not quite sure how each color of pepper would affect the taste of the dish. In the food prep stage I came across another obstacle... no mallet or wax paper to flatten the chicken. No worries... two plastic cutting boards and a frying pan did the trick :) Last speed bump, each pepper was a different size yet the chicken bundles were equal. Poor little yellow pepper... he got a little overstuffed. Regardless everything turned out spectacularly (despite not really choosing to convert the oven temp or time from F to C) and not measuring a thing. Another recipe perfected for when I have company!

So there you have it, feng shui and creative cooking adventures. Mix in a little work, a lot of running and some random solo dance parties around my room you have my week in a nutshell :)

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