Monday, March 28, 2011

Tsamina mina Zangalewa Cuz this is Africa

Hello weekend full of sporting adventures. Perhaps I was feeling a bit nostalgic for good old MRun, (shout out to all my awesome runner friends back in Michigan who ran 182 miles across the entire STATE this weekend in under 30 hrs!) but for some reason I was channeling the outdoorsy vibe. It started with Saturday, when I decided to tag along with some Hout Bay Harriers for their long training run in preparation for Two Oceans. They had planned out running 40ks of the race route, from Newlands to Hout Bay, and the offer to wake up at 4:30 and be running by 5:30 seemed too tempting to resist :) Who would say no to running thru Wynberg in the darkness with nothing but glow in the dark silly bandz and the odd street lamp to light your way trying not to get run over by the early morning mini buses? We reached Muzinberg (center photo) just as the sun was beginning to rise, giving one of the most breathtaking views I have ever experienced on a run. No wonder why they call Two Oceans the "most beautiful marathon in the world." Nearly a marathon run before 9:30, ideal way to start a beautiful day.

Day two of our outdoor adventure series came with watching the prologue of the Cape Epic, often described as the Tour De France of mountain biking. Its a 5 day challenge where (for a price) you can rub shoulders with national champs and olympic medalists while trying not to die (literally) as you make your way along some of the most challenging trails you can find (the route designer is actually referred to as dr. evil). For the race spectating, we made sure to situate ourselves in the middle of a really technical single track bit and were definitely not disappointed with the near spills of the novices and the epic maneuvering of the pros. This is a race where it is all to common to walk away with a broken clavicle or extremity impaled by sticks. Really enjoyed seeing a Colorado jersey amongst the competitors, made me think of all the Whiners back home! Yay Americans! But seriously, still amazed at how intense everyone is over here. Michigan "trails" have nothing on these suckers, and anyone off the street knows what you are talking about when mentioning Two Oceans or Comrades (another really famous ultra marathon). I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to adjust when I get back home where there are no cliffs/ mountains/ oceans/ rocks/ intense feats of sportsmanship to break yourself on. I will probably have withdraws big time.

Sarah's South African Tour of everything hardcore continues... :)


  1. the last line sums up your life so wonderfully :)

  2. You are beyond intense! I was complaining about running in the hilly/muddy arb the other would NOT have approved.

  3. Ummm you must have never ridden the Super Sketchy Section of the Ann Arbor trails. I felt like I was close to death every time I rode it. Michigan has sweet trails, you just have to know where to look.

    That being said, that is awesome you got to see Cape Epic. It doesn't have Epic in the name for no reason.

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