Another slightly scattered posting. For your reading pleasure.
This week will be my first full week of work since before Easter holiday...yuss South Africans love their public holidays and I quite enjoy finding creative ways of extending the weekend with running adventures. The most recent was voting day last Wednesday but there has also been Family Day, Workers Day, and Human Rights day.
Never thought it would happen, but now when watching movies set in the states I wonder why everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road. So bizarre, but very glad my mind has made the transition, especially now that I have started driving here on my own. Yay for being ambidextrous, and having a dad that made sure I learned how to drive standard transmission :)
I currently have 6 bruises attempting to heal. I'm not quite sure if I should start wrapping myself in bubble wrap or evaluate the life choices that led to these injuries. Hmm, racing, running through the African wilderness, downhill trail scrambling, and climbing tall objects...nope those all are going to have to stay. Guess its time start wrapping.
Due to the office Feng Shui experts I had to pack up and move 5 feet across to the other bedroom in my flat. After living here for 5 months. Seriously. Never a dull moment here.
I'm starting to have to think about what I have left to do before I leave. I can't believe time is going so fast. But then again I can believe it, with all the relationships I have found here and how familiar and comfortable everything seems now. I appreciate all the families that have welcomed this stray into their lives, it has really made South Africa feel like home.
I have never in my life been so freaking pumped about mail of all kind. Emails, care packages, letters, post cards. You wonderful people back home sure know how to make me smile :)
I think I have developed an unusual attachment to buffs. And the ocean. And the mountains. Dang it only one fits in my backpack. Well thats going to suck.
This week it took a South African to remind me that South Africa doesn't have bagels. Strange.
Totally was un phased when I went to get medicine for a sore throat just to get a bottle of pills with no directions, and had to google the recommended dosage and what exactly was in the tablets. Oh Africa, always so sketchy.
Found the "Smallest Pub in South Africa" finally. Its right here in Hout Bay, and have passed it probably a million times. But then again, its the smallest right, so I shouldn't feel dumb?
In case anyone is wondering, I did take a brief break from the running to let the legs (and immune system, stupid marathon colds) get back to full strength, but I am registered for another trail run in three weeks. Hoooray! But how to get a run in, SA doesn't have daylight savings so every day we lose a bit more sunlight from both ends of the day. Not sure which is more annoying, losing it all at once like in the states or losing a bit every day and have to keep recalculating the latest I can be out.
I am currently holding a Hout Bay library book hostage. It has been overdue for about a month. My current late fee is R6 (less than a dollar, gasp). Don't they know that books over a thousand pages should get some sort of exception to the two week return rule?
Ok random jumblings done.