Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mmm delicious deals

Ok so when you are in a foreign country it is easy to think that you are playing with monopoly money when you shell out weird bills to pay for food and entertainment, so I have been pretty careful about what I have been spending. In one of the connect newsletters we found probably the best deal I have ever found for food, and being a poor intern working for nothing and trying not to spend my monopoly money too quickly I jumped at it. Three of the interns that arrived at the same time as I did in Cape Town and I jumped a cab down to the VA Waterfront to take advantage of a special at a place called Ferrymans. Get ready for it, pints for R5.50 and fish and chips for R9.50. For those of us that are not used to conversion, that’s about 70 cents for a beer (real beer, nothing like natty light so don’t try and explain away the great deal) and about $1.30 for food! Apparently the restaurant decided to do throwback prices for their 21st anniversary so from the 1st to the 21st of September us poor interns can feed ourselves for about $2 from the hours of 3 to 7pm. Definitely worth the chilly temps for some deliciously cheap food! Posting this makes me realize I have been getting pretty excited over food lately… or maybe it was always like this but it was never documented… hmm.


  1. too bad yesterday was the 21st...deal over :(

  2. Food is probably one of the best things out there to get excited about. And beer.
