Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why hello there table mountain

So as of about 9:30 local time on Monday I officially landed in Cape Town! What is even better, my luggage arrived as well. Seriously happy about that one. On leg one of my trip I met a guy who works with NGO's here in Cape Town and said if I ever wanted to come back he would sponsor a 5 year visa for me (don't freak out, it's not that I would be gone for that long but that I would have the ability to come and go for 5 years)! I thought it funny trying to make plans to go back to a place I hadn't even been yet. Also, european airline meals are far superior than u.s. meals. Apparently we need to learn a little something about presentation, and pasta! I kept pretty busy watching probably more movies in the last 24 hours than I have all summer on the plane and using my awesome circle scarf as a blanket :) When I had finagled my gigantic luggage off the conveyer belt (might I add semi effortlessly and on the first try, I was super nervous about looking ridiculous picking up a bag about as big as myself) I walked through the terminal to a nice man with a "Sarah Brewer" sign. So awesome, I have always wanted to be one of those people who gets picked up with people with a sign. Once I checked in at the main desk of my apartment I set about unpacking and getting to know my roommates. More on them later. Being like 4 or 5pm in the states, I wasn't quite ready to go to bed when they were, so I just put the ipod to Paramore Final Riot and drifted in and out, thinking about the day. This morning I woke up and could hardly believe I was actually here, but a look out the window to one of the most amazing mountain views reminded me it wasn't a dream. I have about 15 minutes before orientation, so I better finish my coffee and muffin I just bought at the cafe and head back. Can't wait to tell you all more!

1 comment:

  1. so jealous about the Sarah Brewer sign!!! ive always wanted one too
