Saturday, September 25, 2010

Not your average yoga

Is it bad that I am more sore from yoga than running up all these steep streets? My new exercise buddy told me she found a great place to practice yoga right down the road from my apartment and it has proved to be a great alternative to running when the weather is just down right crappy (I mean it is winter here after all).

I have considered trying out yoga in the States, but usually a packed schedule prevented me from starting. I am glad my first experience with it has been in a different country, there is something so pure about closing your eyes and finding your balance and then opening your eyes to see an African landscape bathed in the evening light. So beautiful. It’s has also been such a reflective time for me, calming after busy days. Most of the time I feel I have just been running around with my eyes opened so wide, trying to take everything in. Peaceful evenings stretching and breathing really allow me to appreciate what I’m doing, what I’m here for, and all the things I am learning.

Not going to lie, I thought that yoga was going to be something I would pick up pretty easily. NOT TRUE. The thing about yoga is that there is always a more difficult pose, a way to twist your body to make the stretch deeper or the balance harder to control. I love it though, what a great thing to be able to start from the beginning and see your progress.

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