Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Settling In

It is already halfway through my second week here in Cape Town, and I feel like I'm beginning to understand what normal may eventually feel like. I mean, really how normal can you feel in a different country, but still. I have formulated a bit of a daily schedule for myself to keep on top of things that goes a little like this...

8:00am wake up and breakfast with the roommate
8:55am leave for work
9:00am arrive at work (lol I know, walking to work is GREAT)
3:00pm (or whenever I finish projects that I'm working on) leave the office
3:15pm snack time and chill before heading out on a run
5:00pm snack, get ready for dinner OR make dinner with the roommate
10:00pm TRY to go to bed, doesn't always happen

My sleep schedule was the most frustrating thing of this trip. It's super hard to fathom what a 6hr time difference feels like until it actually happens. So for the first week I just allowed myself to stay up until I was actually tired (like 2am here) and just force myself up in the morning, hoping exhaustion would eventually sink in. Worked pretty well until the weekend when I actually wanted to stay up late but my body wanted rest. Guess who prevailed... :)

My first weekend here was actually amazing. I took a trip to Boulder Beach and Cape Point. The first is famous for its penguin population and the latter is an outlook of the Atlantic ocean and False Bay, a famous spot for whale watching. The excursion also served as a great way to meet the other interns living and working here in Cape Town.

Running has been a bit of a challenge here. I have been desperately searching for other interns that could help me navigate this crazy city, and finally in the elevator on my way back from work I think I have finally found one! In my search for local running clubs I have also found out that Cape Town is hosting a marathon and 10k the weekend of the 26th... definitely considering that too. I just can't wait until I have found trails and no longer find myself hopelessly lost in post work foot traffic and street vendors.

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